Join us at the International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC) and the International Thermal Expansion Symposium (ITES).

Thermtest designs and manufactures instruments with intelligence for accurate testing of thermophysical properties.

Our unique combination of lab equipment, portable meters and testing services positions us as your apex provider of thermal conductivity services.

Founded on the core belief that intelligence and precision leads to superior thermal conductivity solutions, Thermtest has been at the forefront of thermophysical measurement technology since September 2005.


Our ethos

Evolving Intelligence

We embody evolution and intelligence in everything we do. Our market-leading products are a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. We utilize smart absolute methods and our proprietary iTransient technology to ensure precision and ease in thermal testing.

Empowering Understanding

Our goal is to demystify thermal conductivity testing. By making our testing raw data available and providing expert manual analysis, we empower our clients with the knowledge to choose the test methods that best suit their needs.

Technology Apex

Our focus is to develop and provide the apex of thermal conductivity instruments. Our portfolio includes a variety of unique technologies and several proprietary elements, ensuring we stay at the forefront of the industry.

Our legacy and future

Founded by Dale Hume with a vision of excellence in thermal conductivity, Thermtest has grown from a passionate endeavor into a global leader. With over 60 years of combined expertise, we continue to innovate, driven by our core values of exceeding customer needs through a comprehensive product approach. Our world-class testing services laboratory and strategic instrument partnerships reflect our dedication to advancing thermal conductivity measurement technology.

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